Sunday, February 22, 2009

On being skinny.

It's really annoying when people point out how skinny I am. I don't really mind it too much from my close friends, but when it comes from people I'm not to familiar with, or even worse, people I don't like too much; then it's just plainly annoying. I don't see what the problem with being skinny is. Fat people don't get told they're fat in their faces, so I don't see why us slender people need to be told, "you are so thin, what's wrong?"

But it's even more annoying when it comes from the two people that irritate me the most: my parents. I have noticed that Mom has been trying to get me to eat pretty much 24/7 since she's been in town. She has not been annoying about it until about 10 minutes ago when she asked me to eat out and I said I wasn't hungry. She asked me what I was going to eat and I said "nothing" and then she asked me if there was milk in the fridge for me to drink. That's when I lost it and asked her why she was worrying so much about it. What came out of her mouth was the usual, "I worry because you are too skinny". I have been skinny my friggin entire life. I guess Mom wants me to be all fat (no offense here) so she can have peace of mind about my being "healthy". Since when does being fat equal good health and since when being skinny necessarily equals illness?? The way most people in my own culture think just makes me want to tie a 50 pound rock around my waist and take a plunge into the ocean.

I'm not anorexic or anything. I'm just slender and comfortable with it, most of the time. So don't tell me "how skinny I look" and give me a condescending look while saying so unless you want to get a piece of my mind. I have spoken!


  1. People say all the time that im fat, but im still hot any ways. Dont worry about assholes opnioes!

  2. Hehehe thanks for your support! Oh, and I think fat people rock!

