Monday, October 05, 2009

Wash your ears.

I'm finally getting rid of this nasty cold I had for about a week due to the change of weather here in the UK. I still have phlegm in my chest and it makes me cough every now and then, but that's about it.

I was talking to my roomate (the epileptic guy that benefits from the charity) and I was telling him about how much it hurt to swallow saliva or water and how it was also making my ears hurt(you know, sometimes your ears hurt when you have a bad throat). His response was simply hillarious. The converstation went like this:

Me: My throat really hurts when I swallow something, be it water, saliva or food, and it also makes my ears hurt at the same time.

Roomate: What, do you not wash your ears when you shower?

I almost fell over and went PLOP like Condorito.


  1. glad you're feeling better. you seem to be getting to know London very well. Cheers, Alan

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