Thursday, May 07, 2009

A new door opens.

I had a phone interview this morning with a charity from London called HILT. After my plans to go to Scotland went down the drain, I was told that a this charity has open volunteering positions for guys, so I filled out an application form, scanned it and e-mailed it. To my amazement, I got a response the next day!!! We arranged to have the interview today at 5:30 am Lima time.

I get so anxious everytime I have an interview or training or that sort of stuff. I don't know if it's just me or if it's something that happens to most people. I decided to go to bed at 10 pm the night before in order to get plenty of sleep, but that didn't work very well. I awoke several times between 10pm and 4:30am, and then I just couldn't sleep at all. I was wide awake and ready to do this. For some reason I thought I was going to be called at 5 am and then I realized it was 5:30 am, so I went online for a while and grabbed a bite to eat. Junior, stop rambling!!!!!!

The phone rang twice before I picked it up. "Here goes nothing", I thought. The connection was perfect, which is really weird since I live pretty close to the airport and there's usually a lot of interference, especially when I'm on the cell phone, but everytime I get a call from abroad the connection is just perfect. No echo, no delay at all, no static, NADA! After exchanging the usual phone pleasentries, I was asked some questions about what I knew about the charity and why I wanted to volunteer with them and how I could be of help to them. If you clicked on the link above, you'll see that HILT works with adults that have learning disabilities and their goal is to help them to live independently. I was then explained how the program works and whatnot. Now they're going to try to get references from me and after that I'll have to get a police check and mail it to them. After all of that we'll discuss when I can start and where in East London I'll be working and of course, I'll have to apply for a visa again.

This will definetely take some time, and I hope things work out for me this time. I told the interviewer what happened to me before and she said they do have everything they need to sponsor volunteers (which doesn't guarantee my getting a visa anyway). At least I can rest assured that this charity has everything in order. I don't really see why I would get a visa denied this time, but you never know. Embassies are just fickle. Very fickle. I will continue posting as things develop.

I still can't believe how awake I feel. Coffee will be my best friend for the next few days...

1 comment:

  1. Junior; nice site amigo. I found you from your post on Expat Peru.

    International legal stuff is such BS! I hope the London thing goes trhough for you; although you may not care for those cold London fogs!

    Look like I'll be moving to Peru in about 1 year; as soon as I turn 62, and get my Social Insecurity! That way I can pay my way. I'm looking at coming to the Tumbes area initially I love rivers and coasts, and want to build and live on a "houseboat" there, up river from the city, of course.

