Sunday, May 10, 2009

A visit to the men's prison in San Juan del Hurigancho.

I visited one of the men's prisons in town back in January of this year and I wrote about what I saw there. I divided my story into 3 parts due to its length, so just click on the links below if you wish to read the entire story.

A visit to the men's prison in San Juan de Lurigancho Part 1.

A visit to the men's prison in San Juan de Lurigancho Part 2.

A visit to the men's prison in San Juan de Lurigancho Part 3.


  1. Hey Junior! I have a blogsite too! I'm glad you joined! :) How are you?

  2. London sounds awesome! How long will you be there and what will you do? I'm graduating from nursing school a week from TODAY!! I'm excited! Chad is going to be a pastor of a church in Oklahoma once I graduate and I'm going to be a labor & delivery nurse (helping deliver babies)!! Life is changing and it's exciting. I actually had a miscarriage several weeks ago, so I'm not pregnant anymore, but I hope to be again soon! :) Thanks for writing and I'm excited you have blogger!

